Read this first:
The author is completely missing the point! "The problem here isn't that the teenage girls photographed themselves," "law enforcement officials need to stop spending time telling teenage girls that their very bodies are vulgar and punishable offenses...," "This is policing a teenage girl's sexuality." Are you kidding me?? No, we probably shouldn't be arresting teens for this, but we absolutely DO need to find ways to keep them from doing it! It's illegal and it's for their own protection! This is not about censorship or self-empowerment, this is about protecting minors from themselves and the stupidity of their peers. Teens make mistakes, it's a part of life. But actions do need to be taken to protect them from mistakes that can threaten their safety (as seen in this post by the same author: This is why you cannot drive, smoke, drink, or have sex (legally) at 13 or 15 years old. The laws are there to PROTECT, they aren't just there because some old guys decided they wanted to prevent teens from having fun.
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